
ClickApplytoapplythesettings.DSMthenautomaticallybacksupyourconfigurationfilesanduploadthemtoyourSynologyAccountwheneveranyconfiguration ...,,ConfigurationBackup.GotoControlPanel>Update&Restoretoimmediatelybackupsystemconfigurationstoalocalcomputer.Thisallowsyoutosave ...,ClickApplytoapplythesettings.DSMthenautomaticallybacksupyourconfigurationfilesanduploadthemtoyourSynologyAccountwhen...

Configuration Backup

Click Apply to apply the settings. DSM then automatically backs up your configuration files and upload them to your Synology Account whenever any configuration ...

Configuration Backup | DSM UC - Knowledge Center

Configuration Backup. Go to Control Panel > Update & Restore to immediately back up system configurations to a local computer. This allows you to save ...

Configuration Backup | DSM

Click Apply to apply the settings. DSM then automatically backs up your configuration files and upload them to your Synology Account whenever any configuration ...


請前往Hyper Backup 來備份及還原homes 共用資料夾及其資料。 任務排程表包含可在任務排程表中建立的任務,但不包含其他應用程式(例如:Hyper Backup 及儲存空間分析器) ...

Settings | Active Backup for Business

To configure the maximum number of concurrently backed up device: · Go to the Settings tab. · Under the Concurrent Devices section, select the maximum number of ...

How to Back Up and Restore Your Synology ...

2 年前 — Configuration Backup. Go to Control Panel > Update & Restore to immediately back up system configurations to a local computer.

5分鐘教你設定Synology NAS 備份到資料中心備份主機

Configure Hyper backup to connect to the backup host. Synology 備份教學 3. △ After Hyper backup is enabled, press [+] to open the backup wizard, and select ...